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Blog Category | Civil rights

A police officer engages in conversation with a man on the street, fostering community interaction and dialogue

Field Sobriety Tests What They Are and...

Over 13,000 deaths occurred in 2021 alone as a result of drunk driving. Adherence to DUI laws could have prevented thousands of such incidents where drivers and other pedestrians got hurt or worse. Cops know that there are many potential reasons for traffic violations. When an officer pulls someone over,...

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Two police officers inspecting the trunk of a car during a routine check for safety and compliance

Understanding Probable Cause for Car Searches

Police use many tools to uncover evidence of criminal activity. Search and seizure is one such avenue, but under the law, it must be conducted with either a search warrant, the consent of the property owner, or enough probable cause that neither is required.  What is probable cause and how...

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A diverse group of hands raised high, with one hand prominently lifted above the rest, symbolizing unity and enthusiasm

Most Common Civil Rights Violations

Civil rights are fundamental to the United States Constitution, and numerous laws exist to protect these rights.  Civil rights are vital in guaranteeing freedom of speech, the right to vote, housing, education, and employment. However, despite decades of legislation to support these rights and guaranteed protections for individuals, heinous violations...

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